Caddo Associates provides deep multi-state insight into contract performance, competitor positioning, business trends, client needs, and buyer values. Our real world experience pursuing large- and medium-size opportunities and delivering services across the United States, including Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, New York, and Texas, has tailored our approach to the procurement lifecycle. We provide companies with assistance in:
- We understand that public policy drives opportunity for the business community to assist government in achieving greater efficiency, improving effectiveness, and realizing public policy objectives. We monitor policy proposals, budget initiatives, agency plans, and legislation to identify potential opportunities, assess scope and value range, and determine a timeline for implementation.
- A winning opportunity pursuit requires strong, consistent relationships with key players, deep understanding of client needs, and efficient and reliable service delivery. We can assist your endeavor by developing relationships with policy experts, program executives, and state leaders to help you gain a deeper understanding of the desired program, budget, and policy objectives, as well as communicating how your business can help achieve those objectives.
- Successful proposals highlight strengths while supplementing weaknesses by incorporating industry experts and skilled subcontractors upfront in the proposal. Caddo Associates can help connect you with policy experts in any major government-area, as well as strengthen you teaming-alliance with both large and small firms.
- Comprehensive, strategic proposals are key to winning government contracts. Our experience reviewing and assisting with proposals from around the country gives us a unique perspective on winning strategies. We can assist your team with writing, editing, reviewing, and refining your proposal to successfully convey your approach, scope, and value.
- A successful oral presentation highlights your proposals differentiators, demonstrates technical competence, and better acquaints buyers to the company and project team. Our principles are accomplished, experienced public speakers who can help you develop a winning orals strategy.
- Whether you are preparing your best and final offer or sitting down with client executives to negotiate on specific terms and conditions, our experience reviewing final agreements and understanding of different variances can help provide you with tangible arguments to improve your negotiating position.
- Achieving a worthwhile policy objective is not easy. Vendors often face entrenched interests from within and external political opposition, both of which seek to undermine the policy objective and capitalize on missteps. Our firm helps provide early warnings on issues that may arise, as well as additional response strategies to help your project succeed.